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About Us

IP design powerhouse for communication technologies.

At Tannera, we are not just builders of technology but architects of a connected future.
We invite you to partner with us and leverage our proven R&D expertise to shape the next generation of communication systems together.

Our Team

Andreja Radosevic


Andreja is Tannera's Chief Executive Officer. He earned a Ph.D. degree from UC San Diego’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering under supervision of a world-famous professor John Proakis.

He started his career at Qualcomm, where he was one of the key contributors to development of baseband modem supporting multiple cellular standards, including 5G NR.

With entrepreneurial spirit and technology enthusiasm, he founded Tannera with the aim to establish an IP licensing powerhouse supporting various wireless industry segments through disruptive innovation in FEC and modem design.

Andreja is experienced in wireless communications, digital signal processing, information and coding theory, and machine learning.

Vladimir Petrovic


Vladimir is Tannera's Chief Technology Officer. He is leading the technology development with strong enthusiasm, challenging the team to innovate with a focus on constantly improving the product's quality, thus making Tannera a center of excellence for wireless communications.

He earned a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Belgrade with a thesis focused on highly efficient LDPC codecs.

Vladimir is experienced in channel coding, digital design, wireless communications, and signal processing, with over 10 years of professional experience in industry and academia. He is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering.

Lazar Todorovic

Head of Embedded Systems

Lazar is Tannera's Head of Embedded Systems. He finished his Bsc and Msc degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering.

Lazar is an embedded software engineer with 10+ years of experience with a passion for bringing products to life. He has an excellent track record in firmware development, software integration, and product launches.